Archives For June 30, 2015

Thoughts Lately

July 29, 2015 — Leave a comment

Oh boy, where to start?

I have been feeling a little down and defeated the past few days, and couldn’t really place where it was coming from.  I saw a Facebook post today by one of my favorite bloggers, Pretty Fluffy, and it was like, “oh, that’s it.” I feel like she put into words what has been weighing on my heart.

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I am highly emotionally connected to animals.  I truly take to heart every good and bad story, and all the bad, evil stories had been adding up.  I wish these situations never came into existence in the first place, but I am grateful that the stories are shared because then they can inspire change and goodness to come out of it.

Cruelty Free

I know it is hard, it is a challenge that I face everyday, but try not to dwell on the negative.  Take it as a cue to make a difference.  Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some actions I have taken to make a difference for animals.  I hope that you will join me!
